Clavering Parish Council
Clavering Parish Council
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2024: 10th June, 8th July, 12th August, 9th September,
14th October, 11th November, 9th December.
2025: 13th January, 10th February, 10th March, 14th April,
19th May (Annual Council Meeting)
Everyone will have their own reasons...usually to
Help shape the Local Environment
Support the Local Community
Represent people's views
Campaign against or for a change
Raise concerns about a particular issue
The Elected Councillors may co-opt three Parish Councillors
Could you be the one to help Clavering Parish Council achieve its aims?
Do you feel you could serve your local community in this respect?
Please contact the Parish Clerk with your expression of interest.
Do contact the Clerk or the Chairman if you would like to discuss the role.
Clerk Details
Name: Mrs Lynette Young
Address: PO Box no. 13580
CM20 9WU
Phone: 07340 505410
Please leave a message and your phone call will be responded to as soon as is possible.
Emails will be responded to within 7 days.
Want to get in touch?
Working Hours:
Please note the Parish Clerk works part-time for 11 hours
per week
Parish Council Meetings are normally held on
the 2nd Monday of the month, starting at 7.30pm.
Location is Clavering Village Hall, Hill Green, Clavering
CB11 4QS
Alternative location is Clavering Christian Centre,
Stortford Rd, Clavering, CB11 4PE
Meetings are open to the public and press, and there is a public participation session at the beginning of the meeting.
Agenda for next meeting
(published 3 clear days prior to meeting)
Next Meeting:
Monthly Parish Council Meeting
Monday 10th February 2025
Clavering Village Hall